There is not a place on the land of Egypt, and the only relic of the ancient Pharaonic civilization, and the following are some of the most important areas of ancient Egyptian sites across Egypt.
The most important archeological sites in Cairo and Giza
Oan City
One of the most important archeological sites and ancient Egyptian known as Ain Shams or Helio Polis is one of the oldestcapitals of the ancient world and the most important archaeologicalruins of King Senusret I Obelisk Obelisk rain which only effect the rest of the features of this city.
One of the most important archeological sites and ancient Egyptian known as Ain Shams or Helio Polis is one of the oldestcapitals of the ancient world and the most important archaeologicalruins of King Senusret I Obelisk Obelisk rain which only effect the rest of the features of this city.
The pyramids of Giza
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The pyramids of Giza |
The three pyramids of Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure, one of the seven ancient wonders of the world as it is considered a unique architectural achievement in engineering Hmok attest to the greatness of Egypt, to guard stands a statue of the Sphinx.
Mortuary temple
lobbyand then to the tiles. Temple Valley: The entrance leads to a corridorand then to the hall in the T-containing 16 granite columns from a height of about four meters. The hall was paved. Walls with 23planned statue of Khafre. And attributed it also rock carving statue(the Sphinx).
Dahshur area
blocks cover the walls and ceiling and the earth, leading to the entrance lobbyand then to the tiles. Temple Valley: The entrance leads to a corridorand then to the hall in the T-containing 16 granite columns from a height of about four meters. The hall was paved. Walls with 23planned statue of Khafre. And attributed it also rock carving statue(the Sphinx).
The most important Pharaonic city of Luxor
Luxor Temple
Luxor Temple
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Luxor Temple |
Located in the east of the pyramid, it is clear that it was a greattemple made of limestone and covered with granite Built this temple for the worship of the god Amun-Re. Begins withthe entrance of the temple edifice built by Ramses II and hasmassive protruding statues they represented sitting. The temple is preceded by one obelisks still stand, and other adorn the Place de la Concorde in Paris.
Following this edifice of Ramses II courtyard surrounded on three sides by two rows of columns in the form of subsidized packagepapyrus. In the northeastern part there is now a mosque Abupilgrims.
The rest of the parts of the temple built by Amenhotep III, and startshall huge columns of fourteen column is divided into two rows, thenthe large courtyard open and surrounded by three sides by two rows of columns - and then get to the colonnade and a 32 column -Inside the temple room sacred boat.
Karnak temple complex
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Karnak temple complex |
A wonderful complex of beautiful temples which has never existed, where comprises Karnak temples of the god Amon andhis wife, the goddess "death" and her son, the god "Khonsu".
Construction of the temple days of the Middle Kingdom (about2000 BC).. In the era of the modern state, which belongs to the King, "Tutankhamun, " The King "Ramses II", was built on the ruins of this temple, the Temple of luxury befitting the greatness of the Egyptian empire huge
Each adds a new king to the temple .. And so closer to the gods,and the desire for immortality, and access to great fame at the people.
1 - Temple, "Amun Ra"
The temple is composed of the temple is located in the far eastern side. This niche has been prepared to save the statues of the god"Amun" and his family. This is known as the place "Bakds Deathly Hallows, "which was shrouded in darkness! Then followed by an open courtyard flooded by daylight, and then ends with this greatpatio Besrah entrance is located between Berger
2 - Temple of Amun
A large courtyard inclusion of the two sides a row of columns in the form of papyrus. (And the strikethrough in the past "Josag Tharqp, "which was composed of ten columns graceful filed by the King, "Tharqp" family of the twenty-fifth, in a column still standing.)
3 - Temple of "Ramses III" at Karnak.
Established by Ramesses III to house the sacred vessels and thistemple is considered a model for the complete Egyptian temple. Itstarts great Besrah adorned statues of the king are impressive from the outside. Followed from the inside courtyard open, which is bounded Albwaik (collection of tears) in the east and west. It seemsthe King on the columns in the form of Osiris
The walls are decorated with patterns
4 - Temple of the god Khonsu
Built by the King, "Ramses III," the second Dynasty twenty years old in 1198 BC, and then increased it after him and his son "Ramses IV", then "Ramses XI", and finally accomplished "Harihor" the high priest, who became king "Pharaoh" in 1085 BC. M, the last kings of the Twentieth Dynasty. It consists of the temple, said the priest Bnakech "B star," which is the eighth king of the family-first century. Followed by a courtyard with columns in the form of papyrus, and capitals in the form of flower buds of the papyrus as well, and following this corridor by twelve columns leads to the colonnade, which appear on the walls of inscriptions from the era of "Ramses XI" tenth the kings of the Twentieth Dynasty, and "Harihor," which was trustee of it.
Valley of the Kings
Where more than 60 cemetery, and there are religions of the Kings,one east and one west:
East Valley contains most of the graves, which is the most visited bytourists who come to the region.
There are two cemeteries Ltan Valley West, one specific to"Amenhotep III" and the other is specific to "any. "
The most important Pharaonic city of Aswan
Includes the city of Aswan, many of the pharaohs, including:
Temple of Abu Simbel
Consists of "Abu Simbel" of the temples were carved in the mountain on the mainland west of the Nile in the period between 1290 BC. M 1224 BC. M.
Description of the Temple of Abu Simbel.
The front yard of the Great Temple.
From the front yard of the temple the great degree of short stretches lead the visitor to the wide open porch that runs in front of the front of the temple carved out of rock, which reaches a height of 30 meters and width 35 m.
And guarding the entrances to the temple of the four giant statues of the famous King Ramses II and some as high statue of the statues to more than 20 meters, and with every statue statues smaller - although it is the other small, relatively still larger than normal, the statues of the mother of King - Queen "Toya "- and his wife Queen" Nefertiti "and some of their children.
Above the entrance to the Great Hall of the columns, between the two statues in the middle of the interface, no fee in the form of the sun god "Ra - Harakhcy" with the hawk head.
The Great Hall of Columns.
Hall is located after the major pillars of the temple forecourt and roof on a portable eight columns in front of each ten meters high statue of the king "Ramses".
The ceiling is adorned Binsor (eagles) represents Osiris, and inscriptions on the walls, which represent the Pharaoh ("Ramses") in various battles victorious as usual.
Hall and the following is a vestibule has four columns, a visitor sees "Ramses" and Nefertari "in front of the gods and the solar boat carrying the dead to the world as in the other's beliefs.
Holy of Holies.
The inner chamber last one is the Holy of Holies, where sitting (statues) of the four gods of the great temple on their thrones carved in the wall in the back, waiting for dawn.
And the temple building so that it accurately in 22 of the month of February and 22 October each year, the sun penetrates through the temple hall of columns, and the vestibule until you reach the inner sanctum of the shining statues of Ra, and Amun, and Ramses II.
Small temple building in honor of Queen Nefertari (temple of Hathor)
The second temple to "Abu Simbel" is the temple, "Hathor" carved in stone, standing in front of six statues enormous reach a height of about ten meters, of which four statues of the king "Ramses" and standing, and there are statues of his beloved wife Queen "Nefertiti," a standing also .
It takes statues of the king and his wife, the youngest forms of princes and princesses Ramesses and the six columns of the hall of columns have headers in the form of the goddess "Hathor."
The inscriptions on the walls portraying "Nefertari" in front of "Hathor" and "death" and Tsoralamlk "Ramses" Once again, a victor.
In the vestibule (lobby) and the neighboring rooms are colorful scenes of the goddess and her vehicle holy.
The statue of the Temple there are highlights from the wall are striking for a cow, a sacred symbol "of Hathor."
The great temple of King Ramses II:
From ancient Egyptian city of Aswan is also in the great temple of King Ramses II was the temple dedicated to the worship of the gods: "Ra - Harakhcy" and "Amon" and "Ptah," the worship of the pharaoh himself.
The effects of Alkharga
Of the most important effects beyond the Temple of the shower and is located south of the city and beyond have built this temple to worship the god Isis
The effects of Siwa
Temple of Amun - Amun temple - City Acrobliss and classes - Eye of the Sun - The Mountain of the Dead Almasirin - Mount Aldror - Sultan House - Palace of the Roman - the effects of Koreshet
Temple of Amon Jonbar third party Alagormy
In the east of the oasis town of Siwa is a Alagormy built over the rock like a beautiful castle overlooking the high and honorable to the parties and the Court by the neighboring and completely characterized for the presence of remnants of the effects of Siwa Temple of Amun.
After that the visitor passes the gate of a fortified and the entrance is difficult and yet to pass some of the tunnels narrow there in the standoff remains of the temple and the famous visitor passes in the corridor inside the temple Vichahd room meeting all the famous drawing by Alexander ever centuries, and was called by the son of Amon great and won the blessing chief priests of God Amon.
After this room there is a small door leading to Iwan In her windows oversees the plains and jungles of the surrounding palm trees, and also see views of these openings attractive parts of the oasis.
Temple of Amun
Amon temple built in the plain adjacent to the town and Alagormy him up a narrow path, the visitor is surrounded by palm Bahrash leaving only the impact interface of the interfaces on the wall and the wall remained some of the inscriptions Total, which tells us the historical parade in the presence of God, god Amun.
And another picture of the god Amun-Re. One of these inscriptions imagine the real situation, which had the luxury of this great structure
He has written on these two effects follow one of Alexander the Macedonian who Sahboh famous for his travels in the Oasis of Amun. And transfer him Daivods and another named Curtis Maketbh this:
City Acrobliss in Siwa
The center of the vast desert lies the city of Acrobliss and structure in the temple and a fortress from the raids of the attackers, conquerors and this fort is composed of several layers:
In the first tier assesses the rulers of this region and in the second tier assesses the harem, relatives and children. Then barracks and camps of the garrison and finally Institute Bible and Al Ain (spring) of God, which is washed in or cleaned then the deeds prior to submission to the God of either a third-class DTV housing guards and Guard barracks Moloky and within walking distance of which held the structure of Amun in the plain near fluttering on the structure of palm trees and close to it (Eye of the Sun).
Mount the dead
Mountain is located at a distance of kilometers nautical town is a hill conical shape with a height of 50 meters with a soil calcareous and this mountain landscape wondrous from bottom to top a tomb for the dead at a beehive, and carved in stone from the bottom up in the ranks of regular and successive layers system engineering is similar to the build system Oasis the same old, and these graves, some going in the home to great depth and all the cemetery is a vestibule of a rectangular end to the patio room is square and the courtyard forks several slots or graves to put dead out and go down the mechanism of the peace a degree or two and still on the walls remains the writings of ancient Egyptian.
Mount Dakrur
A series of hills adjacent to the Oasis of Siwa in the east and away from about two miles and a half east and close to hand Alagormy and Mount Dakrur Qmtan one of them is called a rare and other Nazareth. At the height of Nazareth cave carved in the rock called (Tnachur) and has six columns of square carrying her and in the west of the place, there are some writings of the ancient hieroglyphics.
At the bottom of this room after the so-called: (the house of the Sultan) is made of limestone and has a clean six columns at the entrance to the door three rooms and one on the right and the other on the left. The Central about 12 feet in length, and Posting on the walls of ancient Egyptian.
Temple Hibs
This temple is located at the entrance to the city and beyond was built by Ahmose II and repaired the Persian king Darius, this temple was built on an area of 798 square meters, length 42 m and 19 m, and currently consists of three gates, based on the columns crowned with lotus Bzahrat their heads, and descended the wallsfrom home and abroad with carvings and writings of various famous painting by the Register by the law of the 66.
The effects of Aldakhla
Pharaonic village Tiles
, One of the most important effects of inflows and there are cemeteries dating back to the Sixth Dynasty BC. M were constructed in the form of terraces.
The most important Pharaonic monumentsin Oases
The effects of Alkharga
Of the most important effects beyond the Temple of the shower and is located south of the city and beyond have built this temple to worship the god Isis
The effects of Siwa
Temple of Amun - Amun temple - City Acrobliss and classes - Eye of the Sun - The Mountain of the Dead Almasirin - Mount Aldror - Sultan House - Palace of the Roman - the effects of Koreshet
Temple of Amon Jonbar third party Alagormy
In the east of the oasis town of Siwa is a Alagormy built over the rock like a beautiful castle overlooking the high and honorable to the parties and the Court by the neighboring and completely characterized for the presence of remnants of the effects of Siwa Temple of Amun.
After that the visitor passes the gate of a fortified and the entrance is difficult and yet to pass some of the tunnels narrow there in the standoff remains of the temple and the famous visitor passes in the corridor inside the temple Vichahd room meeting all the famous drawing by Alexander ever centuries, and was called by the son of Amon great and won the blessing chief priests of God Amon.
After this room there is a small door leading to Iwan In her windows oversees the plains and jungles of the surrounding palm trees, and also see views of these openings attractive parts of the oasis.
Temple of Amun
Amon temple built in the plain adjacent to the town and Alagormy him up a narrow path, the visitor is surrounded by palm Bahrash leaving only the impact interface of the interfaces on the wall and the wall remained some of the inscriptions Total, which tells us the historical parade in the presence of God, god Amun.
And another picture of the god Amun-Re. One of these inscriptions imagine the real situation, which had the luxury of this great structure
He has written on these two effects follow one of Alexander the Macedonian who Sahboh famous for his travels in the Oasis of Amun. And transfer him Daivods and another named Curtis Maketbh this:
City Acrobliss in Siwa
The center of the vast desert lies the city of Acrobliss and structure in the temple and a fortress from the raids of the attackers, conquerors and this fort is composed of several layers:
In the first tier assesses the rulers of this region and in the second tier assesses the harem, relatives and children. Then barracks and camps of the garrison and finally Institute Bible and Al Ain (spring) of God, which is washed in or cleaned then the deeds prior to submission to the God of either a third-class DTV housing guards and Guard barracks Moloky and within walking distance of which held the structure of Amun in the plain near fluttering on the structure of palm trees and close to it (Eye of the Sun).
Mount the dead
Mountain is located at a distance of kilometers nautical town is a hill conical shape with a height of 50 meters with a soil calcareous and this mountain landscape wondrous from bottom to top a tomb for the dead at a beehive, and carved in stone from the bottom up in the ranks of regular and successive layers system engineering is similar to the build system Oasis the same old, and these graves, some going in the home to great depth and all the cemetery is a vestibule of a rectangular end to the patio room is square and the courtyard forks several slots or graves to put dead out and go down the mechanism of the peace a degree or two and still on the walls remains the writings of ancient Egyptian.
Mount Dakrur
A series of hills adjacent to the Oasis of Siwa in the east and away from about two miles and a half east and close to hand Alagormy and Mount Dakrur Qmtan one of them is called a rare and other Nazareth. At the height of Nazareth cave carved in the rock called (Tnachur) and has six columns of square carrying her and in the west of the place, there are some writings of the ancient hieroglyphics.
At the bottom of this room after the so-called: (the house of the Sultan) is made of limestone and has a clean six columns at the entrance to the door three rooms and one on the right and the other on the left. The Central about 12 feet in length, and Posting on the walls of ancient Egyptian.
Temple Hibs

The effects of Aldakhla
Pharaonic village Tiles
, One of the most important effects of inflows and there are cemeteries dating back to the Sixth Dynasty BC. M were constructed in the form of terraces.